Green Sanctuary

By: Karen Lieffring

Come with me into these memories

Where grown-ups are not allowed

Across the deep concrete river

Where in giant hollow owl’s eyes

You can hear the hidden bears’ growls.

Beneath high branches curved like arches

Their leaves intertwined

Like a patchy living ceiling

For this green chapel

This childhood hidden haven

Where magic seems alive and well.

Moss carpet murmurs of its comfort

With each bounce step

Engulfing stone pews more and more

with every passing year

Only the stone-bound sacred maiden

On her altar of stones and roots

Remains untouched by vegetation

Erosion unknown to her downcast face.

Believed to be held under a spell

While waiting for a love unknown.

In dreams a white she-wolf

Guides me the way back to this place

While ravens overhead remain

As my centennials of the forest.

Where the wind whispers gently,

“Stay here and I’ll protect you

Remain within and we’ll keep you safe.”

A secret sanctuary

I still cannot truly claim as my own

For time has passed swiftly

As the rainwater through the creek bed

And the deed for that sacred

Land has changed hands

Yet still it remains in me

Among the pool of memories in my head

That I can dive into when the outside world

drives me mad.

A sanctuary for all time

For all who wish to join

Simply close your eyes and follow me

Across the dry concrete river beds.