


By Alexandra Miller

Turning book pages

taking a journey,

a mystical


Why Reading Is So Important To The World

By Leanne Chun

Reading. Books. Even if the two are generally frowned

upon in our day and age, they shouldn’t be. Books are

the things that raised our nation. John Adams, Thomas

Jefferson, John Hancock, and countless others used books, or

Simple Words

By Rylee Wilson

How could reading be an option?

It definitely could not.

I think of all the books I've read

that will not easily be forgot.


By Alexandra Miller



open one

and hear the sounds of

a market in Cairo.

Open one

and smell the crisp air

of the mountains.

Open one

and see the torrential rain in London.

Open one

Pen to Paper

By Alexandra Miller

Pencil joins with paper.

At once, a

pattern of words

begins to flow

and spread

about the page

stories of another world

of creatures

unknown to man

of sports played

on the moon alone


By Alexandra Miller

Crack the spine loudly.

Savor the pages fragrance

Consume the content.

Turn the pages slowly.

Continue reading aloud.

Voice calls me away.

Return to the book.

Curling up to read again


By Amanda Akridge

I could spend an eternity upstairs reading.

Under the covers reading, hiding like a bear for winter.

Skimming the pages all day.

In the world of Anne.

Flip, Flip, Flip, Go the pages.

Her always saying Anne spelled with an “e”.