Here are the books we read at storytime:
Henny-Penny by Jane Wattenberg © 2000
The Three Pigs by David Wiesner © 2001 ~~Caldecott Award Book~~
Beware the Bears by Alan MacDonald © 1998
Gunniwolf by Wilhelmina Harper © 2003
Book List:
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Here are the rhymes and songs from today:
Welcome To Storytime! [tune: Twinkle, Twinkle]
Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we're here, let's have some fun.
First we'll sing the ABC's,
then we'll read and sing with me.
Welcome, welcome, everyone,
Now we're here let's have some fun.
The Little Red Hen by Jackie Cytrynbaum
The little red hen was going for a walk,
That's when she saw some wheat near a rock
The little red hen was going for a walk,
That's when she saw some wheat near a rock
She picked it up, dusted it clean,
saying "This is even better than a lima bean!"
"What I have to do, to plant this thing, is dig a hole as round as a ring.
Drop it in, cover it up, Does anybody out there want to help me out?"Refrain:
The little duck said, "Not I, quack, quack!"
The little pig said, "Not I, oink, oink!"
The little cat said, "Not I, meow, meow"
So the little red hen said, "I'll do it somehow!"
She didn't complain, and she didn't moan,
the little red hen did it all alone."It's time to cut the wheat and take it to the mill,
They'll grind it into flour way up on the hill.
Then we carry it home, a sack or two,
does anybody out there want to help me out?" Refrain"To bake some bread, an egg or two,
Use the flour from the wheat that we grew.
Put it in the oven and wait till it's done.
Does anybody out there want to help me out?" RefrainNow that the bread is ready to eat,
I'm glad that I found that little bit of wheat.
It's time to sit down and enjoy this feast,
Does anybody out there want to help me out?"
The little duck said, "I do quack!"
The little pig said, "I do, oink, oink"
The little cat said, "I do meow, meow"
But the little red hen said, "I'll do it somehow."
She didn't complain, and she didn't moan
The little red hen ate it all alone.
Once upon a time in a wee little forest there were 3 bears. Cha, cha.
One was a papa bear, and one was a mama bear and one was a baby bear. Cha, cha.
One day they went walking in the deep woods talkin' When along... along
Along came a little girl with golden hair and her name was Goldilocks and upon the door she knocked,
but no one was there, no no one was there.
So she walked right in, had herself a ball She didn't care, no she didn't care.
And when she got tired she went upstairs.
Home came the 3 bears.
"Someone's been eating my porridge!", said the papa bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge!", said the mama bear.
"Hay bobalee bear!", said the little wee bear, "someone has broken my chair!"
Well, just then Goldilocks woke up and broke up the story as she beat it out of there.
"Well goodbye - bye, bye" said the papa bear.
"Well goodbye - bye, bye" said the mama bear.
and "Hay bobalee bear", said the little wee bear,
And that's the story of the 3 little bear,
Waaaa, waa, waaaa, waa, Waaaa, waa, waaaa, waa, Waaaaaa!
Three Brown Bears [tune: "Three Blind Mice" ]
Three brown bears, three brown bears.
See all their beds, see all their chairs.
The mommy cooked in a big brown pot.
The daddy's porridge was much too hot,
The baby bear always cried a lot.
Three brown bears.
The More We Read Together [Tune: The More We Get Together]
The more we read together, together, together,
The more we read together, the better it is!
'Cause reading and singing and talking together,
Is how you learn the six skills for reading by six.