Here are the stories we read today.
What Columbus Found by Jane Kurtz © 2007
Sixteen Runaway Pumpkins by Dianne Ochiltree © 2004
Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story by Sam Lloyd © 2006
Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper © 1999
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Here are the rhymes and songs from today:
Welcome To Storytime! [tune: Twinkle, Twinkle]
Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we're here, let's have some fun.
First we'll sing the ABC's,
then we'll read and sing with me.
Welcome, welcome, everyone,
Now we're here let's have some fun.
We are Pumpkins Big and Round [tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb]
We are pumpkins big and round, big and round, big and round;
We are pumpkins big and round, sitting on the ground.
See our great big shiny eyes, shiny eyes, shiny eyes;
See our great big shiny eyes, looking right at you.
See our great big laughing mouth, laughing mouth, laughing mouth;
See our great big laughing mouth, smiling right at you.
Have you Ever Seen a Pumpkin [tune: Have you ever seen a lassie?]
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, a pumpkin, a pumpkin?
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, that grows on a vine?
A round one, a tall one, a fat one, a small one.
Have you ever seen a pumpkin that grows on a vine?
Pumpkin Song [tune: I'm a Little teapot]
I'm a little pumpkin orange and round.
Here is my stem, there is the ground.
When I get all cut up,
Don't you shout! Just open me up and scoop seeds out!
Peter, Peter
Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater, Had a wife and couldn't keep her;
He put her in a pumpkin sheel, and there he kept her very well.
Pumpkin Poem
One day I found two pumpkin seeds. I planted one and pulled the weeds.
It sprouted roots and a big, long vine.
A pumpkin grew; I called it mine.
The pumpkin was quite round and fat. (I really am quite proud of that.)
But there is something I'll admit that has me worried just a bit.
I ate the other seed, you see. Now will it grow inside of me?
I'm so relieved since I have found That pumpkins only grow in the ground!
I Know a Cat [Tune: Bingo]
I know a cat with perky ears, and Kitty is her name-o.
K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y, and Kitty is her name-o.
She makes a sound and it's "meow," and Kitty is her name-o.
K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y, and Kitty is her name-o.
Here Kitty, Kitty [Tune: Clementine]
Late last summer, me and 'Lizbeth Were a-sitting 'neath a tree
When she thought she saw a kitten,
She cried, "Kitty, come to me."
I though Liz had Halitosis, Then unconscious down I sunk,
Now I hope she'll know the diff'rence 'Tween a kitten and a skunk!
Sailor Cat [Swedish Folk Tune] [English words by H.W. Loomis, adapted by Terry Kluytmans]
A cat stood on the shore one day, Iddy biddy winkum doo,
Said he, "I'd love to sail away," Iddy biddy winkum doo.
"When I am set to go to sea," Iddy biddy iddy biddy winkum,
"A catboat is the thing for me!" Iddy biddy winkum doo.
He found a boat and sailed for France. Iddy biddy winkum doo,
A catfish came along, by chance, Iddy biddy winkum doo.
To grab it, Kit wen overboard, Iddy biddy iddy biddy winkum,
A storm came up and how it poured! Iddy biddy winkum doo.
His choice was sink or swim, you know, Iddy biddy winkum doo,
Most cats don't like the water tho', Iddy biddy iddy biddy winkum,
But just the same, that cat came back, Iddy biddy winkum doo!
But just the same, that cat came back, Iddy biddy winkum doo!
Mr Pumpkin [Tune: Where is Thumbkin]
Mr. Pumpkin, Mr. Pumpkin, Round and fat. Round and fat.
Harvest time is coming. Harvest time is coming.
Yum, yum, yum. That is that!