
2-3-year-olds (approximate ages: each child is unique)

Talkers have a large enough vocabulary to begin helping you tell stories. In fact, research has shown that children who are actively involved in the reading and storytelling process find it easier to learn to read. Now we know that how we read to children is as important as how often we read. In addition to the traditional read-aloud method, researchers and educators recommend dialogic reading where the adult helps the child tell the story. The adult becomes the questioner, listener and audience.

This type of book sharing encourages the use of open-ended questions like:

  • “What is happening?”
  • “How do you think they feel?”
  • “What do you think will happen next?”
  • “Where are they going?”
  • “What would you do?”
  • “What would happen if . . . ?”

Allow children plenty of time to:

  • Think about your questions.
  • Formulate an answer and respond.

Books with little or no text are perfect for this kind of early literacy interaction.

Repetition is also an important part of the learning process, so indulge your children when they want to hear the same story again and again.

Johnson County Library has an extensive collection of picture books just right for sharing. 2 and 3-year-olds like books with colorful pictures, short text and filled with fun!

6 by 6 Finger Plays: A Little Frog in a Pond
6 by 6 Finger Plays: Two Little Blackbirds
6 by 6 Finger Plays: Five in Bed
6 by 6 Finger Plays: Itsy Bitsy Spider