A curated selection of populate newsstand magazines such as The Atlantic Monthly, Bloomberg Businessweek, Food & Wine, People, Real Simple and Sports Illustrated.
- Current and back issues
- Unlimited access, no checkouts required
- View online or download in the app
- Downloads last 2 days (weekly titles) or 7 days (monthly titles)
- Search and print within a magazine
From the website: Choose a magazine to start reading current and back issues. No checkouts required!
Go mobile: Install Flipster from your app store. Search for "Johnson County Library" to login, then download magazines to read now and access from your shelf later.
All you need is a Library card and PIN/password to get started. For more help, visit EBSCO's Flipster guide »
Android Phone/Tablet
Amazon/Kindle Fire Devices
Web Browsers (on Mac, PC and more)
Service Provider