
Indieflix features diverse voices and thought-provoking, well-known and off-the-radar content. Stream classic and contemporary features, award-winning shorts, film festival favorites and multi-episode series from the U.S. and around the world including action and adventure, animation, art films, classic movies and TV shows, comedies, documentaries, dramas, musicals and more. Not rated by the MPAA.

Check out a 7-day pass through Libby for full, unlimited access to Indieflix.


First time users: Access Indieflix from the Library website or find it in the Extras section of Libby.

  1. Add your Library Card in Libby. (You may already be signed in if you use other Libby resources, such as eMagazines.)
  2. Open the Indieflix overview with your Library card.
  3. Get a 7-day pass and then Continue to the Indieflix website.
  4. Provide an email address and create a password for your personal Indieflix membership account. Terms of Service apply.
  5. Start watching on the Indieflix website, mobile apps, smart TV channels or other streaming devices. Learn how »


Returning users: With an active pass, you can access Indieflix three ways:

  • Return to this Library webpage to access Indieflix through Libby.
  • In Libby, open Indieflix from your Shelf or find it in the Extras section.
  • Sign in directly to the Indieflix website, mobile apps, smart TV channels or other streaming devices with your Indieflix membership account. Learn how »


When your pass expires: Return to the Library website or Libby any time to check out another 7-day pass.

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