Laurice Williams

Tuesday, June 20 to Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Laurice Williams is a photographer. To understand Williams's practice more, we asked him a series of questions before the exhibition. The following are his replies:

What comes first – the medium or the message?

The medium. I capture art through the lens of a camera. I chose photography as a hobby because I've always had an interest in photographs. I first took an interest in it after my mother showed me some of the work my late father had done. Though he was an ameteur, he was really quite good, I thought. Later in high school, I took a class in photography, but it was cut short because my instructor had a heart attack, and never returned to class.  I kind of got away from it as different events and distractions in my life took precedent. Then in 1981, I bought my first SLR. I had a ball learning on it and creating some great memories. Fast forward to the present. I am semi-retired and I was looking for some way to occupy my time. I still have the passion for beautiful pictures as well as a curosity to see just how creative I can become. My exhibit shows the diverse architure of structures in and around the Kansas City area, from Excelsior Springs to Independence, to downtown, to liberty, to Overland Park, kansas.The work on view includes photos of local architecture in the Kansas City area.

What do you feel is your role as an artist?

My role as an artist is to capture the artistic design, as I see it.

What influences your practice/works?

Trying to place three dimensional objects on a two dimensional plane.

Who are the other artists you look to for inspiration?

I actually look to works done by my father before he passed away. He peaked my interest posthumously, as I did not discover his work until much later in my life.

What other writings do you recommend reading to have a better understanding of your artworks and your art practice/process?

Ansel Adams: Divine Performance

Digital SLR Photography: All-In-One for Dummies 

Digital Photography Through the Year

For more information on the artist, email him at