My work is founded on symbolism through plants and animals and their relationship with humanity; finding mythology, pantheism and science equally fascinating and connected. For the past year my work has revolved around reflection on what it means to be a woman, mother and human on this planet that is full of wonder and symbiosis but ravaged by the greed and selfishness of man.
Each piece begins with an intuitive moment after journaling or sitting in peace, sometimes after weeks of reflection and sometimes as a fleeting thought in the middle of the night or while doing dishes. The work I create is a reflection on the beauty of life, death, partnership, cooperation and balance. The general motivation for my work is to elevate the fact that humans are intimately connected to all things around us: from the stones in the ground, to the spiders and animals crawling and leaping in the trees, to the birds and insects in the sky, and all the stars in the universe. We are all one living, dying, writhing creature, we are everything and nothing. While this idea is big, it is also very small, and can be found in everyday moments. My children are the greatest teachers of this lesson, daily reminding me to find awe in all the things around us. They remind me to pause and find gratitude throughout the day and to enjoy all the beauty and wonder our planet and all on it offers us.