Mugur Geana

Thursday, June 1 to Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mugur Geana is a photographer. For his series on view, Geana utilized methods of street photography to capture his images. To understand Geana's practice more, we asked him a series of questions before the exhibition. The following are his replies:

What comes first – the medium or the message?

I think the message is paramount and should drive the creative exercise. The medium (and its use), is the technical approach that the artist uses to communicate the message. The works I have on display use urbanism to address challenges that we face as human beings and as a society, from social strata to weapons of mass destruction. There are two images of images of the sun rising and setting as a frame to the collection to shed “light” to these issues.

What do you feel is your role as an artist?

I think artists should reflect society and use their tools to challenge stereotypes and help advance our understanding of our world and the universe around us.

What influences your practice/works?

Time. By far the biggest challenge I have is finding the time to pursue the many creative ideas I have.

Who are the other artists you look to for inspiration? And what about their works do you like?

Street photography is a new genre for me. Cartier-Bresson, Saul Leiter, Martin Elkort are few of the artists I admire, mostly for their perseverance and their unique approach to photography.

Exhibition is supported in part by Fringe Festival KC. KC Fringe started with a mission to connect adventurous artists with adventurous audiences and keep it affordable. And 12 years later we're still doing it! Check them out at For more information, email the artist at