Evin Felix

Wednesday, May 9 to Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Evin Felix finds inspiration everywhere. In a time when we are bombarded with images of ugliness, violence, and destruction, her goal as an artist is to depict the natural, understated beauty that still exists in our world. Many of her paintings are renderings of photos that she has taken at home and abroad. Whether it's a boat resting calmly on a glassy sea or a quiet expansive landscape, Evin strives to artfully depict feelings of peace and beauty in her work.  


What comes first – the medium or the message? Tell me a little about the work that will be on view.

For me, I’d say that the medium comes first. I often paint from photos or life, in a more traditional style. So my biggest challenges are laying down the paint in a way that I accurately depict a scene or translate an emotion to the viewer. Even this abstract series was painted from medical pathology slides, so it is based in reality to a degree. I take some artistic liberties with colors, textures, and composition; but technically, it’s still representational. I usually don’t have a deeper message to my art, in hopes that the viewer sees it and it moves them to feel their own emotions. I feel like it's a successful piece if the viewer can connect with it emotionally.

What do you feel is your role as an artist?

I feel like my role as an artist is to find beauty in the world, and depict it in my art so that others may experience it as well.

What influences your practice/works?

It is simple: my artwork is influenced by my observations. My practice of art was intensely influenced by my mentor and father Mark Schuler. He was an illustrator and painter, and taught me a lot about observing, techniques, etc. On a day to day basis, I think my peers at the InterUrban ArtHouse inspire me and challenge me to push harder.

Who are the other artists you look to for inspiration? And what about their works do you like?

I love so many artists. From classical painters to contemporary painters, and everything in between. I’m currently loving Mark English, Rich Bowman, Carla Bosch, and Carol Marine just to name a few. Of course, I also find inspiration from my mentors and teachers Mark Schuler and Amy Trachtenberg. With all of these talented artists, I find myself drawn to their use of color, their

brushstrokes and their interpretation of value.


Learn more about Evin Felix's work here: http://www.evinschuleroils.com/