Calling teen creators: elementia is a literary arts magazine published to represent and uplift young adults. We accept original poetry, fiction, nonfiction, graphic stories, photography and illustrations.
Everything and all of us are connected on every conceivable scale, from the subtle subatomic bonds in the smallest building blocks of matter to the massive interconnected root system of the 80,000 year old Pando aspen grove.
In our hectic modern world people build bridges, knock down walls and create networks to fight isolation and forge strong connections around the globe. Ideas and inspiration spread across the boundaries of location, medium, class and culture: mind maps on cosmic scale. We are each a collection of connections, our root systems shaped by influences of our families, friends, collaborators and heroes. Our links and bonds each tell a story about who we are and where we’ve been.
Whether you answer by pulling back to see this web from afar, or by closely tracing each filament to its root, our question for this elementia is: what connects you?
Submit your original poetry, short stories, essays, comics, or artwork through February 1, 2020.