Let's talk about Advanced Search. As you know, you can enter a search term at the top of any page on jocolibrary.org. Search title, author, subject or just the wildcard: keyword. From there, you can narrow search results by availability, format, ratings, reading level and more!
So, how is an Advanced Search different? For starters, you can search title, author, subject or keyword, and you can pair your query with other queries. Want to search for author and subject at the same time? This is the place to do it. You can search by series, award, genre, ISBN, publisher and call number. Those search limits like format, availability, language, reading level, and more, are available to be included in your search parameters right from the start.
You can even write your own complex queries. This is particularly helpful when you are looking for a specific topic OR a similar topic AND include another topic but NOT a certain topic. Example? "Overland Park" OR "Johnson County" AND "history" but NOT "Wyandotte County."
Whatever you're searching for, we sure hope you find it. With Advanced Search, your search is easier!