This week at the Library, you can join us for:
Walk and Read – Daily, All Week
“Take a walk and read a book.” Not normally sound advice, but that is exactly what Johnson County Library is suggesting families do this week at Riverfest Park, (33440 W 79th St, De Soto, KS). Walk and Read creates a family reading experience in the great outdoors! Families who participate will read two stories posted around the path, one going each direction. When you finish one story, you can flip around to the other side of the sign and begin the next story, which will lead you back around the path.
Online Storytime – Tuesday, July 20, 10 – 10:30 AM
Your whole family will enjoy this flexible Storytime. Hearing stories is a great way to spend time with your kids and help them foster a love of reading. Stories, songs, fingerplays and movement activities foster pre-reading skills.
Saved by the Barn – Wednesday, July 21, 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Go behind the scenes at The Barn Sanctuary, the farm animal rescue and rehab center featured in the Animal Planet TV series SAVED BY THE BARN! Learn the stories behind rescued animals such as Dexter the cow, Winona the goat, Harry the turkey and Lyra the pig and get your questions about their rescue and care answered by a resident animal expert.
Johnson County Genealogical Society Monthly Meetings – Saturday, July 24, 10 AM – Noon
July Program - "Unraveling the Mysteries of Your Female Ancestors"