Here are the books we read at storytime:
Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion ©2002
Small Brown Dog's Bad Remembering Day by ©2000
Scritch-Scratch a Perfect Match by ©2011
Say Hello to Zorro! by ©2011
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Here are the rhymes and songs from today:
Welcome To Storytime! [tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle” ]
Welcome, welcome everyone,
Now we're here, let's have some fun.
First we'll sing the ABC's,
then we'll read and sing with me.
Welcome, welcome, everyone,
Now we're here let's have some fun.
My little puppy, his name is Rags, he eats so much that his tummy drags.
Big floppy ears and a tail that wags, and when he walks, he zig zag zags.
Flip, flop, wiggle, waggle, zig zag.
When I whistle he never obeys, he always runs the other way.
He doesn't have a pedigree, but I love him and he loves me.
Flip, flop, wiggle, waggle, zig zag!
Six Little Dogs (Tune: "Six Little Ducks")
Six little dogs that I once knew, fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too.
But the one little dog with the brown curly fur,
He led the others with a grr, grr, grr. Grr, grr, grr Grr, grr, grr
He led the others with a grr, grr, GRR!
There was a farmer had a dog,
and Bingo was his name-o.
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O
and Bingo was his name-o.
Puppy's Dog House
This is puppy's dog house. (Put tips of fingers together)
This is puppy's bed. (Hands flat, palms upward)
This is puppy's pan of milk. (Cup hands together for bowl)
So that he can be fed. This puppy has a collar, (Encircle neck with fingers)
With his name upon it too. Take a stick and throw it. (Make throwing motion)
And he'll bring it back to you! (Clap)
Five Happy Puppies
Five happy puppies were playing in the sun.
This one saw a rabbit, and he began to run.
Four curious puppies were playing in the sun.
This one saw a butterfly, and he began to race.
Three excited puppies, playing in the sun.
This one saw an orange cat, and he began to chase.
Two bored puppies were lying in the sun.
This one tried to catch his tail, and he went round and round.
One lonely puppy, sitting all alone. He was so quiet, he never made a sound.
The Paws on the Dog [Tune: Wheels on the Bus]
The paws on the dog go trot, trot, trot.
Trot, trot, trot, trot, trot, trot.
The paws on the dog go trot, trot, trot.
All through the town.The ears on the dog go flop, flop, flop...
The nose on the dog goes sniff, sniff, sniff...
The tongue on the dog goes lick, lick, lick...
The bark on the dog goes woof, woof, woof...
The tail on the dog goes wag, wag, wag...
The people with the dogs go, "SIT!"
This Old Man (Knick-Knack Paddywhack)
This old man, he played one, He played knick-knack on my thumb;
Knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.
This old man, he played two, He played knick-knack on my shoe;
Knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone,This old man came rolling home.
This old man, he played three, He played knick-knack on my knee;
Knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone,This old man came rolling home.
This old man, he played four, He played knick-knack on my door;
Knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone,This old man came rolling home.
This old man, he played five, He played knick-knack on my hive;
Knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone,This old man came rolling home.
This old man, he played six, He played knick-knack on my sticks;
Knick-knack paddywhack, Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.
The More We Read Together [Tune: “The More We Get Together” ]
The more we read together, together, together,
The more we read together, the better it is!
'Cause reading and singing and talking together,
Is how you learn the six skills for reading by six.