Enjoy a genealogy program and visit with Johnson County Genealogical Society members about your research and family history. Meeting will be held in person at Central Resource Library in the Carmack Community Room as well as virtually via Zoom. Members of JCGS will automatically receive the Zoom link. If you are not a JCGS member, please email info@jcgsks.org to receive the Zoom link.
Our June Genealogy event is "Researching Your Home and the People Who Lived There," a presentation and discussion by Diana Staresinic-Deane. Members of the community are invited to attend the free program.The program is made possible by Humanities Kansas.
Saturday, June 25
10 a.m. - noon
Central Resource Library and Zoom
Researching a property, be it an old home, a new business, or a section of pastureland, can do more than tell us the history of a space; it can also build a human connection to the people who came before us and the times in which they lived.This talk shares creative ways to study documents and assemble relevant narratives from maps, deeds, newspapers and often unsought or unknown resources.This is ideal for those new to seeking out family and community stories and helpful for those hampered by a dead end.
Diana Staresinic-Deane is the executive director of Franklin County Historical Society and Old Depot Museum in
Ottawa. She is passionate about collecting, interpreting and recording local histories.
"New researchers will feel empowered to take their first researching steps," said Staresinic-Dean. "Researchers who have been stymied by a dead-end might just find the breadcrumbs they need to progress."