Meet the Presenter: Portia Stewart

Portia Stewart

Portia Stewart

Portia Stewart isn’t coming to the Writers Conference to teach us how to write, at least not in the conventional sense. Her sessions have nothing to do with the craft or the semantics of writing, nor do they focus on making our writing better through revision or research or collaboration. And yet, her sessions are vital to the very essence of writing in that they are all about focus, creativity, and finding the energy and drive to keep writing, even when the writing is difficult.

Portia’s experience includes being a former vice president of content and content strategy, and she has more than 20 years of experience that includes leading creative teams. In addition, Portia is a registered yoga instructor and certified meditation and mindfulness coach. She specializes in helping creative people maximize their performance, and launched a business, Mind Full Creatives, in 2021 with the goal of helping businesses sync their innovation investments to revenue.

Portia will lead two sessions during the conference: Meditation for Creation and Focus and Yoga to Light the Creative Spark. You won’t need any special equipment to attend these sessions; simply show up and Portia will lead you through the rest!

You can learn more about Portia by visiting her website (linked above), utilizing the free meditations on her site, or by watching this video, in which she joined Seed Speaks to discuss overcoming imposter syndrome.

—written by Lisa Allen, adult services specialist