6 by 6 Spotlight: HAVE FUN WITH BOOKS
Having fun produces chemicals in the brain that actually aid in the forming of synapses – learning.
That is one of the reasons why having fun is so important.
The books we read:
Dog's Colorful Day: A Messy Story About Colors and Counting by Emma Dodd 2001
Bounce by Doreen Cronin and Scott Menchin 2007
Hickory Dickory Dog by Alison Murray 2014
Other books you could check out to share with your child:
JoCoLibrary - Kids - Dogs (Easy Picture Books)
The songs and rhymes we sang:
Welcome, Welcome
Welcome, welcome everyone
Now you're here let's have some fun.
First we'll clap our hands just so.
Then let's reach and touch our toes.
Welcome, welcome everyone.
Now you're here let's have some fun.
If Your Happy and You Know It [Tune: If Your Happy and You Know It]
If You’re Happy and You Know It
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
If you’re happy and you know it then your face will surely show it
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!
-Stomp your feet
-Boop your nose
-Tickle your baby
Peek-a-Boo [Tune: Peek a Boo ]
Where's my baby, Peek-a-boo
Where's my baby, Peek-a-boo
Where's my baby, Peek-a-boo
Peek-a-boo to baby.
This Old Man [Tune: Knick-Knack Paddywack]
This old man he played one,
he played knick-knack on my thumb
with a knick-knack paddywack,
give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home.
This old man he played two,
he played knick-knack on my shoe
with a knick-knack paddywack,
give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home.
This old man he played three,
he played knick-knack on my knee
with a knick-knack paddywack,
give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home.
This old man he played four,
he played knick-knack on my door
with a knick-knack paddywack,
give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home.
Hickory Dickory Dock [Tune: Hickory Dickory Dock]
Hickory dickory dock,
the mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one and down she run.
Hickory dickory dock.
Ten Little Doggies
Ten little doggies went out one day
(10 fingers up)
To dig in the dirt and play, play, play.
(Pretend to dig.)
Five were spotted, and five were not,
(Show one hand at a time.)
and at dinner time they ate a lot!
(Pretend to eat.)
The Wheels on the Bus [Tune: Wheels on the Bus]
The wheels on the bus
go round and round,
round and round,
round and round
The wheels on the bus
go round and round
all through the town
(people on the bus go up and down)
(wipers on the bus go swish swish swish)Additions: dog on the bus go ruff,
shoes on the bus go stomp,
babies on the bus go peekaboo
The More We Read Together [Tune: "The More We Get Together"]
The more we read together, together, together,
The more we read together, the better it is!
'Cause reading and singing and talking together,
Is how you learn the six skills for reading by six.
The other five 6 by 6 skills:
Check out our Staff Picks for Notice Print All Around You.
Check out our Staff Picks for Talk, Talk, Talk.
Have you tried TumbleBooks, an online library of read-along stories, videos and language games for use on computer, Ipad and mobile devices?
Try some fun alphabet activities from our Pinterest page.
Hope to see you at our next Antioch Library Baby Time.