Research Resource
Mergent Market Atlas
New! This replaces Mergent Online, which was discontinued at the end of 2024.
Access company, industry, country, index, sustainability and economic data analysis tools and reports. The Mergent Market Atlas database covers over 50,000 active U.S. and foreign public companies with current corporate information and historic details from the past 15 years including:
- firm descriptions, officers and directors
- financial information and ratios
- SEC filings and annual reports
- mergers, acquisitions, disposals and joint ventures
- long-term debt, capital stock and insider trading
- news and interactive charts
Data is sourced from Reuters, Refinitiv, FTSE Russel, Dunn & Bradstreet and Mergent.
Resource Topic:
Personal Finance
Resource Audience:
College & Adult
Resource Access:
Access anywhere
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