Find Your Family Tree

Your foray into genealogy begins around the family table wondering if Great Uncle Charlie really did marry a Scottish princess, and you're charged with finding the truth. Don't know where to begin? Luckily the Johnson County Genealogical Society is offering a series of Intermediate Genealogy Skill Building Classes at the Library! 

Second Mondays

1 - 2 p.m.

Central Resource Library

Learn about using timelines, software programs, organization systems, and citations to aid in your genealogy research. An experienced and knowledgeable member of the genealogical society will present on these upcoming topics:

  • The Breadcrumb Trails through your Genealogy

    Aug. 8
  • Organizing My Research Without Losing My Mind

    September 12
  • Multiple Ancestors with the Same Name – Which One is Mine?

    October 10
  • Transcribe or Abstract a Document?

    November 21
  • Finding Gold in Graveyards

    December 12

To register, please email and include the class date, your name, how many people will be attending, your phone number and your email address.

This event is co-sponsored by the Johnson County Genealogical Society.