Cedar Roe Library Upgrades

We're improving your Library!

The Cedar Roe Library will be closed April 19 through June 20 to complete a critical upgrade to the building's HVAC system, as well as shelving updates and other exciting improvements to enhance your experience. It will re-open Monday, June 21 at 9 am.

Curbside Holds Pickup service will be available during most of the closure. Watch the Cedar Roe Library location page for updates on the availability of Curbside Holds Pickup. There will be an exterior book return available during the closure.

Our Cedar Roe Library Construction FAQ addresses questions about why this project is happening now, as well as where to find alternate services across our other 13 Johnson County Library locations. We will provide construction updates on our website. You can also follow @jocolibrary on social media to stay up to date with our progress.

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our facilities!