Meet the Presenter: Polly McCann

The lyrical poetry of Polly Alice McCann paints a beautiful narrative revolving around the internal heartland. With poetry as beautiful as hers, it is no surprise that she is also an artist! This author, artist and dreamer began writing poetry after taking an impactful trip to the desert with a pillow and a book. We can only imagine the beauty she discovered there that would inspire her to start to write — and continue writing — poetry.  

Polly received her MFA in Writing from Hamline University. Her poetry has been published both nationally and internationally in journals such as “Naugatuck River Review” and “arc23” in Tel Aviv. Polly is the managing editor of Flying Ketchup Press and an adjunct writing professor. You can find her poetry collections, including her newest collection, “Night Blooming,” along with her memoir, “Pray Like a Woman,” at online stores.

You can learn more about Polly McCann on her website, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You can also learn more from her at this year’s Writers Conference, where she’ll be teaching two sessions: “Chatting About Chapbooks: Five Ways to Share Your Poetry” and “Place & Power in Narrative Poetry.”

We look forward to seeing you there!

-- written by Kathryn “Katt” Cooper, adult services specialist