Open Call for Submissions for Annual Publication Volume 7

Johnson County Library, a leading advocate for creative and expression and artistic innovation, is thrilled to announce an open call for submissions for the annual publication Volume 7. “Volume” is a literary arts notebook showcasing local art and writing. The main distribution channel is annual writers conference and other art and writing focused events. Writers and artists are invited to submit their original works for consideration.  

This year’s theme is Show Us Your Change. Through our diverse experiences, there is a common thread that binds us: the inevitability of change and the opportunity it presents for growth and renewal. Whether welcomed or resisted, change compels us to confront our fears, embrace the unknown, and emerge transformed. It is through our unique experiences that we uncover the depth of our resilience, the breadth of our adaptability, and the richness of our humanity. Show us what change means to you.   

Submission requirements: 
Poetry: 60 line limit 
Prose: 1000 word limit 
Artwork: minimum resolution 300 DPI 
Unpublished and unexhibited work only, please.   

Submission deadline is July 31, 2024. Please submit your work via our online submission portal
Selected works will be featured in Volume 7 and may be used for promotion of the publication. Future additional use may be requested. Artists and writers of selected works will receive an award of $200