The Raising of America

The Raising of America, a documentary on early childhood, poses the question: “Why do we make it hard as a nation for our children to thrive?” Consider this:

  • The United States has less child poverty than Romania. However, we have more child poverty than every other nation in Europe!
  • Every child’s brain develops more connections before the age of five than they do the rest of their lives.
  • The U.S. is the only nation in the industrialized world that provides no paid maternity leave.

Join us for a public screening of The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation.

The hour-long film weaves together the latest discoveries in neuroscience with stories of American families struggling to create the nurturing environments all babies and young children need to thrive.

Tuesday, Oct. 27 

6 - 7:30 p.m.

Oak Park Library

A special 30-minute presentation by local non-profit The Family Conservancy follows the screening.Co-sponsored by United Community Services of Johnson County.