Michelle, May is small business month ... but we don't have to tell you that! As a small business researcher, you already know! So, let's get down to business. Your business. Library business. Everybody's business!
Open your wallet. Go ahead, we'll wait. Cards right? But only one card matters. One card unlocks unlimited earning potential—your Library Card!
So hike up your business socks! It's business time!!!
American entrepreneur Jim Rohn once said, "Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better." Well, we can tell you what you need to do to make business research easier and your business better. We've got the resources to make you successful!
Start with Reference USA!
- 15 million verified and 34 million unverified U.S. businesses, 1.9 million Canadian businesses, and 50,000+ new businesses added weekly
- 159 million U.S. residents, 11 million Canadian households, plus movers and new homeowners
- 1.2 million U.S. health care providers
- 298 million U.S. consumers
- 2.5 million job and internship postings from Indeed combined with detailed company info from ReferenceUSA.
Don't under estimate the power of the KC Business Journal! It's the premier source for articles on local and regional business. and features:
- Full site access to stories online, including premium content.
- Exact digital replicas of the weekly issues.
- Digital Book of Lists, containing the names and contact information of hundreds of ranked companies.
And last, you must visit our Small Business Reference Center! Here you'll find articles from magazines, journals and reference books on small business and entrepreneurship. Read articles and reports on specific types of businesses, industry reports, a help and advice section and business plans that lead to successful funding.