Tech for You-Know-Who

Plugged in and charged? Yep! Ready to begin? Um ... Did you power it on?

This is probably familiar, whether you've wrangled your own device or helped someone else. No need to be intimidated by those computers, apps and online tools. We have librarians and expert volunteers ready to help, so take a break from playing Tech Support and send that special someone (you know who they are) our way for a techie confidence boost.

  • Overview

    Bring your favorite device to begin searching your personal heritage on this popular genealogical research site. 
  • Basic Internet

    Begin with the basics of getting on the internet, working with search software to find websites and information.
  • Family Memories with PowerPoint

    Learn to insert pictures, videos and sound recordings into digital slide shows.
  • Intro to iPad

    Get comfortable using your tablet for email, appointments, games and more.
  • Microsoft Excel to Manage Your Finances

    Find out how to use basic Excel commands to create a personal budget.
  • Microsoft Mondays

    Come learn basic Microsoft Word skills as you create a simple, professional résumé. 
  • Tech Tuesdays 

    Drop in to get hands-on help with basic computer skills, internet or email, and learn how to tap into the eLibrary.
  • Teen Tech Week

    Drop in for some easy-going programs to amp up your tech skills.

All technology classes and events »

If you can't wait to get started, give our eLearning options a whirl!