Volunteering is Living

Karen and Earl, you're golden! You know you'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. You're such cutups — you're the bee's knees! Your enthusiasm is infectious and you brighten the day of just about everyone you encounter. But, you can't do that sitting on your duff at home, right?! A rolling stone gathers no moss. Your duffs have no moss! You volunteer!!!

OK, let's not put the cart before the horse. Speaking of horses, we never look a gift horse in the mouth. A hearty THANK YOU is due to you both during this volunteer appreciation week! Volunteers like you help your Library with 60,000 hours each year! You understand that many hands make light work. We'd be in a pickle without you and all of the volunteers who help with:

  • Processing Book Donations
    • Book & Media Sorting Volunteer
    • Children’s Book Sorting Volunteer
    • Children’s Book Sorting Volunteer Assistant
    • Box Building Volunteer
  • Shelving Books
    • Book Distribution Volunteer
    • Circulation/Shelving Volunteer
    • Monticello Library Volunteer 
  • Supporting Sales of Used Books
    • Online Sales Research Volunteer
    • Online Sales Inventory Volunteer
    • Online Sales Listing Volunteer
    • Online Sales Shipping Volunteer
    • Bookstore Unpacking Volunteer
    • Bookstore Stocking Volunteer
    • Bookstore Cashier
    • Bookstore Cashier—Substitute
    • Used Book Sale Sign In Desk Volunteer
    • Used Book Sale Door Ambassador/Greeter
    • Used Book Sale Section Supervisor
    • Used Book Sale Merchandiser
    • Used Book Sale Cashier
    • Used Book Sale Counter/ Dolly Runner Crew
    • Used Book Sale Box Builder
    • Used Book Sale Non-Profit Clerk
    • Used Book Sale Packer/Unpacker
  • Assisting with Library Programs
    • Civic Engagement Events Volunteer
    • English Language Learning Volunteer
    • Maker’s Space Volunteer
    • Reference Librarian Volunteer
    • Summer Teen Volunteer
    • Tech Thursday Volunteer
    • Young Adult Advisory Council Volunteer
    • Youth Services Materials Cleaning Volunteer
  • Helping in Library Offices
    • Creative Services Volunteer
    • Data Entry Volunteer
    • Genealogy Research Volunteer
    • Library Foundation Volunteer
    • VS Team Volunteer

We don’t judge a book by Its cover! Karen and Earl, we know you're young at heart and still plenty spry. Do any of your friends want to help? They can view Volunteer Information and Services on our new web portal. For full descriptions of each position, please contact Volunteer Coordinator and then hit the early-bird special! 

Thanks again! 

“Only a life lived for others is worth living.” — Albert Einstein