This Week at the Library

This week at the Library, you can join us for:

Money Mondays – Banking Basics: Modern Money – Monday, Feb. 22, 6-7:00 PM

Join Dana Branham, Director of Community Affairs, Kansas Office of the State Bank Commission, to get an unbiased view of the different banking options available to consumers. Learn to shop for a financial institution, the types of accounts, what to expect when opening an account, and how to use apps to stay on track.

Artists in Sight – Tuesday, Feb. 23, 6:30-7:00 PM

Since we can’t go to live concerts these days, here’s an opportunity to get a glimpse into the local music scene with an interview with Fally Afani, award-winning journalist and photographer. Her photography captures the electric energy and urgency of the Kansas City and Lawrence music scenes.

Book Party – Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2-2:30 PM

Exposing the Myths of Retirement Investing – Thursday, Feb. 25, 2-3:00 PM

This week’s session is titled, “Taming the Emotions That Hurt Investments”, presented by Emerson Hartzler, pro bono financial advisor, exposing this and other “myths” and providing practical and understandable strategies for retirement investing.

And much more