Yakety YAAC Teens Give Back

YAAC is a group for teens that love Johnson County Library and want to give back! Unlike our hairy homonymic cousins we won’t make you schlep our belongings up a mountain, instead we want your input and enthusiasm on Library services and programs to teens. If you want to get involved, earn volunteer credit and meet other teens who love the Library, join us at the location closest to you!

Blue Valley YAAC

Saturday, Dec. 5

12 - 1 p.m.

Blue Valley Library

Shawnee YAAC

Saturday, Dec. 5

12:30 - 1:45 p.m.

Shawnee Library

Leawood YAAC

Saturday, Dec. 12

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Leawood Pioneer Library

In the past year, YAAC groups have helped to plan three author visits, hosted a nerf gun fight after-hours at the Library and voted in an cutthroat tournament to invite their favorite author to visit us.