Research Resource
LawDepot Legal Forms

LawDepot provides customizable legal templates with step-by-step guidance. Find do-it-yourself legal documents, forms and contracts for:
- estate
- real estate
- financial
- business
- family
LawDepot is available through Libby. Library card required. Get access to LawDepot for 30 days at a time so you can easily open it from your Libby shelf.
First time users: Access LawDepot from the Library website or find it in the Extras section of Libby.
- Add your Library Card in Libby. (You may already be signed in if you use other Libby resources, such as eBooks.)
- Open the LawDepot overview with your Library card.
- Get Access with a 30-day pass and Continue to the LawDepot website. LawDepot's Terms of Use apply.
Returning users: With an active pass, you can access LawDepot two ways:
- Return to this Library webpage to access LawDepot through Libby.
- In Libby, open LawDepot from your Shelf or find it in the Extras section.
When your access expires: Return to the Library website or Libby any time to get access again.
Resource Topic:
Government Information
Legal Resources
Resource Audience:
College & Adult
Resource Access:
Access anywhere
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