Local History

From our Genealogy Experts: Johnson County, Kansas

Explore Johnson County marriage records, cemetery information, a local obituary index, collections of digitized photos and newspapers and links to much more.

Guide from our Librarians: Research Johnson County

Research Johnson County with these helpful resources including info about local properties and homes, local news and statistics about Kansas and Johnson County.

JoCoHistory Collections

Historical photographs, newspapers, maps and more documenting the people, places and organizations of Johnson County, Kansas, from the 19th century to the present.

JoCoHistory Obituary Index

Citations for obituaries from local newspapers dating from the late 19th century to the present.

Kansas City and Regional Newspapers

Full articles from many Kansas City and regional newspapers.

Kansas City Star Image Edition

Flip through full-page images of The Kansas City Star Image Edition.


  • “Extra” sections are currently unavailable as of April 8, 2024. Our service provider NewsBank is investigating.
  • If today's paper is delayed past 8 a.m., contact us and note the time of day so we can report it to our provider.

Kansas History, Territorial through Civil War Years, 1854-1865

Primary source documents from Kansas history from 1854 - 1865.

Kansas Memory

Explore digitized primary sources covering a wide range of topics from the Kansas Historical Society.

Olathe News

Full-text coverage of the Olathe News from December 2006 to 2015.