Birth to Six

The Six Skills of 6 by 6

Our Early Literacy skills help children learn "pre-literacy" - the skills they'll use later when they beginning learning how to read. Before they can learn to read, they'll need to be able to recognize shapes, hear the smaller sounds in words that let us do things like rhyme, and of course, learn that books and stories are fun, so they'll want to read. Learn more about 6 by 6 in the video below.

For your questions about early literacy and how the Library can help, please contact us.

De Cero a Seis Años: Ver todos los recursos de 6 por 6 en español »
Storytime On-Demand
Photo of a young girl pointing to a tablet.
Songs, rhymes, finger plays, flannel board stories, and more!
6 by 6 Featured List
A young person peeks over an open book they are holding. Their eyes look joyful and their hair is red.
A list of books that celebrate the 6 by 6 skill: Talk, Talk, Talk!
Fairytale Tea Party
Fairytale Tea Party
Join us for a magical Fairytale Tea Party, open to all ages.
New Picture Books
A blue rectangle with a comic-book style font saying New!
New and updated! Check out some of the newer picture books to arrive at the Library.

A special thanks to the artist of the 6 by 6 images, children's author and illustrator, Brad Sneed.