
TBT: Bunch of Balloons

As you very well know, June is National Give a Bunch of Balloons Month. What do you do? Find someone in need of encouragement and brighten their day with a balloon bouquet! This practice began as a way to bring joy to children suffering illness. Use #GiveABunchOfBalloonsMonth to share on social media.

We'd like to bring you some smiles too. We can't give you balloons, but we sure can point you towards some historic pictures of balloons. Remember, is the place to time travel through local history. Search "balloon" for a colorful adventure. Be sure to follow our hashtag on Twitter!

Happy Throwback Thursday! Some call it the best day of the week.

Once more with feeling.

It's an encore posting of our June podcast episode. If you haven't listened yet, we lay out what we're focusing on for the next 7 months in our new Discover Your Library series. It's exciting stuff.

We introduce you to our new series AND we play some fun getting-to-know-you games so you can learn a little bit more about your podcast hosts. Did you hear?

Begin Your Own Book Club

Have you been wanting to join one of our book clubs and registration has been completely full! Why not start your own?

Visit our For Book Clubs Page. There you will find some great advice on how to get started.

Corinth's Herb Garden

Where some might have seen a vacant space, Corinth librarians Meagan and Diana saw potential. Several years ago, they got started converting alcoves near the Library parking lot into what is now an herb garden. The garden serves as the basis for educational programs, and provides natural beauty and inspiration for readers.

Their process is part of a growing trend. Libraries are increasingly incorporating green spaces, both in new building projects, like Monticello’s roof terrace, through partnerships, like at Oak Park’s community garden, or in the case of Corinth, with some creative reuse. A Library Journal article noted that “the best libraries don’t stop at the front door.”

After noticing some old rusty flowerpots that were creating an eyesore, Spencer asked her branch manager at the time if she could make some improvements, and soon the garden began to take shape.

Then Meagan joined the team, "and she was super supportive of the idea. She took it to the next level to make it an educational garden,” Diana said.

Meagan pulled together some research about green spaces, and utilized her own gardening expertise. A local Girl Scout troop helped put their plan into action, sowing new plants in the spaces. While Library staff have largely kept up with maintenance over the years, a full-time volunteer is now on board to tend to it on a more regular basis.

“We have the rocks, the pots, the soil, and we’re composting and regenerating,” said Diana. “We’re drying plants out and planting the seeds and recycling each year. We start everything from seeds, so kids can guess what’s growing and watch the life cycle of seeds.”

The events of the past year presented some new challenges for the garden, when the pandemic meant that all Johnson County Libraries closed their doors.

Now, as the world comes back to life, so has the garden. Over the years, Corinth has built programming to connect to the garden, incorporating the 6 by 6 skills for early literacy.  Other programs have included an aromatherapy session that used scents from the herbs, and “plantable” bookmarks made from recycled paper with wildflower seeds embedded. This year, the Summer Reading launch will prominently feature Corinth’s garden as well as a Master Gardener giving tips and advice.

“This summer, with Summer Reading being all about animals, we got onto the topic of wildlife and ecology, and the ways that we can help wildlife in our community,” said Christin. “Rather than simply talk to people about how you can plant natives or bring native species into your space, we wanted to tell the story of the Library doing that.”

Christin and Diana noted that the pandemic and events of the past year have also placed new importance on outdoor spaces, shedding light on the value of the project that started as a labor of love.

“Revitalizing the garden and being able to open that space again...It feels really big to me, especially this year. People can go to the Library, sit on the patio and chat, or smell the plants growing while they watch their kids,” Christin said. “Communities look to their Library now in ways that they didn’t before. Libraries are not just a quiet building, but where people live their lives and engage with their community. People need those connection points.”

Virtual City Bicycling

Thursday, June 17, 2021

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Online event

Learn the rules of the road and cycling confidence in this FREE class from Johnson County Library and BikeWalkKC! Our instructors will encourage you to ride farther and explore our region on bikes. 

Where: Your home! BWKC will send you a link to a Zoom webinar for LIVE instruction at the same date and time as the in-person class was originally scheduled.

TBT: National DJ Month

As you very well know, June is National DJ Month!


"Anyone can be a DJ but it's understanding how to read a crowd and keeping them on the floor is what takes years of experience.

~Jonas Blue


Remember, is the place to time travel through local history. Be sure to follow our hashtag on Twitter!

Happy Throwback Thursday! Some call it the best day of the week.

Meet the Author: Gabino Iglesias

Join Gabino Iglesias, author of Coyote Songs, will discuss what it means to write horror in horrible times, offer practical tips that you can apply to your writing, and tease apart the various subgenres of horror in these three upcoming events. Register using the links below.

June 15, 6:30 pm Horror Talk: Gabino Iglesias in Conversation with Jeremy Robert Johnson »

June 16, 6:30 pm Otherness in Fiction: Getting It Right »

June 19, 9 am Horror 101 »

Virtual Visit to Clearwater Marine Aquarium: Home of Winter the Tailless Dolphin

Join us for a virtual visit of Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida, home of Winter, the tailless dolphin featured in the film Dolphin Tales. Go behind the scenes and explore the aquarium, talk with a staff biologist and have two awesome animal encounter experiences with both dolphins and sea turtles! Best for animal lovers, ages 5 and up.

Tuesday June 15, 1:30pm | Register »

KSDS Assistance Dogs Inc. Virtual Tour

Would you like to see how assistance dogs are raised and trained? Join us for a virtual tour with Kansas Specialty Dog Service to learn more about grooming, play areas, and training for these special dogs. KSDS trains guide dogs for the visually impaired and service dogs to assist individuals with physical disabilities.

Tuesday, June 8, 3 - 4 pm | Register »

Discover the new podcast episode!

Exciting news! We were able to record in-person for the first time since the onset of the pandemic. Not-so-exciting news...the audio isn't perfect—we're rusty. But, listenable? Yes! 

In this episode we have even more exciting news. We're introducing a 7-part storytelling series we're calling "Discover Your Library." From now until the end of the year we will be sharing stories from patrons and Librarians. We'll look behind-the-scenes of our events and our collection. We'll explore the connection between the Library and civics. We'll reveal how the Library plays an important role in supporting local arts.

We introduce you to our new series AND we play some fun getting-to-know-you games so you can learn a little bit more about your podcast hosts. Did you hear?