You might have heard: It’s election season. As powerful words get tossed around in support of or in opposition to political candidates, we're anxious to help you sift out the facts and join the conversation. Join us for back-to-back events to prepare for Election Day.
Debate Watch Party
Nobody can turn a debate into a party like your librarians can! Join us to watch the first presidential debate, complete with bingo and our own live fact-checking, plus you can register to vote. We'll have pizza, popcorn and beverages to keep you fueled, so be sure to arrive on time for this special event that will extend after hours.
Monday, Sept. 26
7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Central Resource Library
National Voter Registration Day
Don't miss your chance to make your vote count. During this nationwide effort, any Johnson County resident can drop by with proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote.
Tuesday, Sept. 27
1 - 5 p.m.
Antioch Library
Now is the perfect time to learn more about where candidates stand on the issues and raise your hand to participate in the national election!
These events are co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters.