It Starts With Me

By: Hannah Greer

The insistent decision that

The world is beyond repair because

No longer will

Human nature fix these things.

Negativity and pessimism

Invade the land of

Enthusiasm and assurance.

The problems remain


People make choices,

Will remain idyll,

And negative changes

Grow into new dynamics

Our world can

Not handle.

At least not without

The power of one,

Which can become

The power of many,

When we flip the script.

Our world can

Grow into new dynamics

And negative changes

Will remain idyll.

People make choices


The problems remain.

Enthusiasm and assurance

Invade the land of

Negativity and pessimism.

Human nature can fix these things.

No longer will

The world be beyond repair because

The insistent decision that

It starts with me.