Poem Number Three

By: Miles Bredehoeft

It’s been five days,

But more than five days have been accomplished

It doesn’t feel like years have past,

Only that the beginning seems like years ago

It’s time to leave, to another world

But the world we leave will never leave us

People are made for people

To conjugate

To assemble

To be near

To grow alongside,

Providing steps where there are none

But it is deeper than that

There is a connection

Like a river trickles and flows past rocks,

Others trickle and flow past you,

Leaving you different than you were before

Now you are wet,

Now the hidden is made known

Now part of you is gone,

Now you are more focused

And as the river of humanity flows,

Its features become more and more defined

They’re sharper, the current is swifter

For everyone involved

There is a danger

To be swept away by the wild center current

But meaning is found on the outside

Beyond the mass flow,

To the edge where you are sharpened, formed, defined

and perfected

Without the friction, dull would stay dull

Without the friction, broad and unspecific would stay

broad and unspecific

After the river erodes the old,

The new is left, primed to live full

The worlds, the rivers of people are to be taken with love

Letting them affect you, the way you cannot affect


Be mindful of passiveness, be easy to refinement

That is when time begins to drift away,

You consumed in your new end,

Happy as a fish being propelled to the ocean

Swimming with confidence and joy in the moment

Knowing what is behind, thankful for what is ahead

Swimming with the river to new worlds