Me, the Book

By: Emily Kohnen

I am a story

my existence made for people to enjoy.

They skip over me




to see only the things they want to see

not what they need to see.

They can rewrite me

with harsh words that bring tears

which blur my text so no one will know.

They judge me by my dull and dreary cover

but inside the chapters of my life

are full of exquisite stories.

My climax is the high point in my life.

I am bound till someone opens me

and I open with a bang!

My eyes see significant things that count

my ears hear the “I love you’s” and the “I love you too’s”

and I feel the good things in life

this all goes down in my pages.

They think of me as a normal, not-so-extraordinary, next to nothing in my social status

but everyone has something unique on the inside

and it will come out with a sigh of relief.

Animals make up most of the words on my page

for they are my passion.

All this is me

and to see it in you

look through the pages and

pages of your life story

for only you can write it