The Race

By: Natalie Gartland

The start of the race isn’t always easy

They say to just put one foot in front of the other

Then repeat

How can you repeat that when you’re racing to find yourself?

People are always around you trying to be a motivation

But all they are is a dictator

They say, “do this” “be that”

You stumble in confusion and eventually

You fall

You’re on the ground

Scared and lost

People are continuing to shout and command

In all the commotion, you have to find your own voice

The softest one of all

The one that has the most to say

You get up and keep running

You can see the finish line

The other’s voices are fading

You’re going to make it

You’re going to make it

You’ve made it

You’ve finally discovered you

Now how do you feel?