
By: Rachel Franklin

Every day, I walk along the same road,

A path of work and play, the route I know.

Every day, I carry the same, tiring load,

A burden of hopes, fears, and woe.

Every day, I trudge along the path again,

Looking ahead, and not behind or to the side.

Every day, I think, this road’s a little plain,

Maybe I could stray from it if I tried.

Today, I look to the side as I tread,

See the miracles that I have missed.

Today, I watch great acts instead,

Acts of love, beauty, and kindness.

Today, life isn’t a straightaway

Endless, going nowhere for us all.

Today, life forks, and I must stray,

I can’t be afraid to stumble and fall.

Today, I soak up all that I ignored,

To find peace I must look outside.

Today, I can finally be part of the world,

Enjoy everything that I have denied.

Today, if you’re tired of that road,

Heed my advice, and see the light.

Today you can lighten your heavy load.

Just behold the world’s wonders and delight.