Real World

By: Maddie Miguel

This is the real world

With limited freedom, and lots of things to fear

Where you can’t get away from the truth

This is where violence lives, and people follow you

Where guns are triggered at any time or place

The tears will roll on a sorrowful face

People sometimes assumedly think

That the real world is in the city streets

But sometimes it’s in the neighborhoods and schools

The truth will always find you

In the news or at your desk

As there’s killings and bomb threats

Confused love

Getting mugged

Dealing with disappointment

Learning that it just ain’t worth it

This is where reality isn’t blurred or bleeped out

Where people use their right to shout

It’s not safe in the school hallways

Bullies see their prey run away

Money is wasted on precious useless things

They show off their wealth through stupid bling

Relationships are getting pretty short

He’ll leave you like the one before

Here, trust is hard to find

People will control your mind

A loving heart will easily brake

Earthquakes will destroy when it shakes

Natural disasters have been hurting

Political power just isn’t working

Pure innocence of a child destroyed

Nothing left to fill the void