
By: Jessica Sutter

 I’ve taken this road

 So many times

 Seen these things

 Over and again

 I’m getting tired

 Of singing the same old lines

 And getting to the fork in the path

 And thinking it’s the end

 I’d just like to thank you

 For all that you’ve done

 You’ve shown me you can’t be trusted

 Nor can anyone

 You’ve proven that my dreams will only be

 Inside my head

 You’ve told my that my song’s been sung, and it’s over

 My last chance has passed

 It’s all thanks to you

 That my hopes are dead

 So thank you for telling me

 That fairy tales are fantasy

 Thank you for making me

 The person you see

 Thank you for crushing my dreams

 Shattering trust

 Telling my secrets

 Letting hopes rust

 Breaking my heart

And doing it again

 But now it’s all been said

All said and done

Gotta move on now

Gotta get back to where I was

Just one last thing

I’d like to thank you for

Thank you for proving

That there’s no such thing

As a happy ending