Forgotten: The Holocaust

By: Alexa Schnieders

The horror, the brutality

eats away at my heart until I no longer

see the need to go on.

I bite my lip,

holding in the


the remorce

the screams

I want the world to hear.

but they won’t.

I watch my people, my family, suffer

then perish.

I haul them

with the beady guard’s eyes

watching...waiting for me to stumble,

to gasp,

but I won’t.

The tears


though I try to blink them back,

my feet carry me


as I carry my

beloved ones.

I’d be forgotten

a number

a mere


I want the people to remember,

but they won’t.

I fade away,

until I’m a

walking corpse.

No more than skin

and bones

no joy left,

no feeling left,

no anger left.

I am no longer human,

I’m a statistic...
