
By: Sarah Rekab

The sea shimmers as if

a child,

has poured glitter in its

soft blue path.

Mountains linger over such water

and are outlined

by a china blue sky.

The sun dances across the water,

casting this magical scene.

A fisherman casts his line


various shades

of orange and red.


Water collides with the

warm and golden sand.

The wind

rocks the tree leaves

back and forth –

clinking like swordsmen

in battle.

The wind strengthens

and the waves become

a serpent,

weaving its way expertly

beneath the water.

The wind caresses your hair

with its invisible fingers –

salty sea tickles your lips.

You feel joy,

but you won’t find it

behind the

towering mountain or in the

fierce sea.

Neither will you find it

beside the restless trees,

or underneath the grainy sand.

Where you can find it

is in

