It Was Ricky

By: Anna Schmeer

momma momma momma

it was ricky it was ricky

momma don’t believe that it was ricky who done it

she thinks i killed him

momma momma momma

don’t call the fuzz

it was ricky it was ricky

it was ricky who shot mr. hawkins in the head

little miss lilly hawkins pissed off ricky but ricky didn’t wanna kill lilly

said she was too pretty to kill, that’s what ricky said

momma momma momma

ricky can’t go to jail

he has to help his momma

i know, ricky has gotten in problems before

but he always bail himself out

ricky can’t go to jail

ricky can’t go to jail

sirens sound in the distance

a baby cries from inside a shabby house

mr. hawkins’ blood is pooling on the cement outside his house

coming from the hole in his head

momma momma momma

ricky ran off

i dunno where he go

momma called the fuzz on me

not on ricky

she think it was me who shot ‘im

but it was ricky

momma momma momma

they here

they comin’ for me

tell them it was ricky

it was ricky

some police officers knock on the door of the house

a group of paramedics surround mr. hawkins​

i gotta go

i love you momma

don’t tell them i’m gone

tell ’em that

it was ricky

i open the window and jump out

i hit the ground running

past lawrie’s deli

past ricky’s momma’s place

to the old playground


ricky is sitting on the swing

the gun and mr. hawkins’ blood on his hands

i don’t regret what i done

little miss lilly hawkins deserved it


what does she deserve ricky

to live with the fact that it’s her fault her ol’ daddy got killed

ricky      ricky      ricky


you gotta run ricky

you gotta take the gun and run

they coming for you ricky

sirens are coming towards the playground

ricky gets up

i’ll miss you

i’ll miss you too ricky

don’t tell ’em it was me

ricky turns and runs into the woods

behind the swings

don’t fall in the creek ricky

don’t fall in the creek

the sirens stop as a police car pulls up to the playground

two police officers get out, with their hands on their guns

the guns are still in the holsters, at least

sirs, it was ricky

it wasn’t me

ricky got pissed off and shot

little miss lilly hawkins’ daddy

i dunno why

the fuzz ask me where ricky went

i dunno

i thought he would be here

but he ain’t

they ask me again if i’m sure it was ricky


it was ricky

sorry ricky​