
By: Sofia Calavitta

Too long we have forgotten

The story of breath in our lungs

Depending on who you ask

We started from clay, dust,

Half of a ribcage, the salt of the

Earth, the water of the sea;

The old gods.

My bones are drawn to you,

Like something in me knows

Too long I have forgotten what it

Feels like to be


By your side I feel

Painfully awake.

Won’t you let me entwine with you?

I know you feel this magic between us.

Every cell hums with highways of your energy,

Vibrating deep to my soul, into that

Forgotten place we share

Remember? The one between your ribs.

Not your heart, we both agree, but

Somewhere below your sternum.

Too long we have forgotten

The delicious sin of witchcraft.

I gorge myself on you.

My head deep between your

thighs, intuition guides me to

where you sleep.

We have been lost for so long,

Lost in the roads of our own

Vibrations, the backstreets and alleys

Of our interconnectivity

How am I so connected to you?

I know you feel this magic between us.

We flow like the softest avalanche,

Devouring the toothpick trees of


We will defeat you, the jaded, armed with

misinterpreted ancient texts.

Our faith has been stolen, the memories of

Breath in our lungs, taken from us and wrapped

In the inky opacity of human opinion.

Let me breathe her.

Feel the skin on mine, eyes glazed over

In deep knowing.

Let us worship the old gods; the

Salt of the earth, water of the sea, the

Half of a ribcage, dust, clay, of our own


Too long we have been

Locked outside of our

Flesh, refused entry to the understanding

Of our human-ness

Too long their claws have

Ripped out the hair on my

Head, bleeding and bruised I have


Too long we deny our own

Inclinations, of stone and rock and

Divine channels. Of ghosts and graveyards,

Spirits, ethereality of all forms we have

Cut off.

Too long their blood filled

Our mouths, constant reminder of

The wrongness we are contained in

My highways, my highways, they are drawn to her.

Can’t you see how we are joined?

My floodgates do not dare release

For anyone but the holder of the

Keys to my thousands of barriers

She unlocks me!

Each molecule of mine screams

In recognition, slotting together of

Foreheads and lips and eyelashes.

I open like the gates that have been closed for too long.

Too long, too long, too long,

My soul swells,

Pacific heartbeat fills my head,

Warm waters, sinking cold toes

Dangling through the depths of your


Drifting down to the bottom,

Head dizzy from lack of

Air, but I know I breathe something

Different when

I’m with you

If only I could open my mouth

And drown myself in the

Waters of our relationship;

A beautiful bloated corpse I would be.