trials of the female

By: Ashley Honey

The moment I was conceived

And my egg was fertilized to have xx chromosomes

Instead of xy

My body was taken away from me

And placed in the hands of men

The hands of men that control dress codes

The fingers that will slap my ass as I walk down the street

The nails that will scratch my skin and I shout


I am undressed by his claws

And my psyche is torn to shreds

When I was a child

I was always told to tell an adult

When I was being bullied

When I was being mistreated

When I was afraid

So when he undressed me

Against my will

And touched my body

Without permission

I told an adult

And all they did was make excuses

“He was drunk.”

“Did you say no?”

“What were you wearing?”

And when my trial went to court

He got away with everything

Because there is no physical proof

Of what he did

But if you stared into my soul

You would see the proof

Of a broken woman

Who is afraid to fall asleep in her room

(What if he comes through my window?)

Who cannot walk alone at night

(What if he takes me when nobody is around?)

Who cannot go to school because

He is there

He is everywhere

Praised for his

Achievements in sports

“This prison sentence will ruin his life!”

Screams his mother

But what about my life?

Hasn’t it been ruined too?

He made a choice that night

While mine was taken away

Where is my justice?

Where is the justice for the women of the world?

My body was taken away from me

When male lawmakers 

Thought it was their job to make laws

Governing my body

Telling me what I can and cannot do with it

They say abortion is murder

But what about the murder of my soul

When I was impregnated by a monster

Given a child I do not want

Where is my justice?

Oh, in that case, I can have my abortion


They will only give me my rights back

On their own accord

Reminding me that they are above

And I am below

But I will gather all the women of the world 

And we will pound our fists on their doors

And shout so loud

They won’t be able to ignore us anymore