
By: Maddie Bauman

When I was a little girl,

I wanted to be a princess,

then a vet,

then a president.

I know many girls who at my age

shared those dreams.

The ones I look at now and think

What was I thinking?

Those aren’t possible!

But for a little girl,

that’s ok.

I was so sure then.

I was positive I knew who I was

and who I wanted to be.


10 years later,

I’m unsure of myself.

Doubting the choices I make.

Thinking they will one day come back and haunt me.

I don’t know who I am.

I don’t know who I’m supposed to be.

But I’m sure I will find it.

I have to.

And once I do,

I will be as sure as I was

when I was three years old.