It Isn't Me

By: Matthew Justis

I wake up

Brush my teeth

Then look into the mirror.

I see a kid

Who looks confused

About his true self.

I don’t know who.

But it isn’t me.

I see a painter

Who lost his touch

As years go by.

He lost his art.

But it isn’t me.

I see an athlete

Who looks tired

Of the same route.

Run there and back

And repeat.

But it isn’t me.

I see a dreamer

Who looks curious

About what he will do.

Who will he become?

But it isn’t me.

This boy stares deep inside me,

Trying to release my inner self.

He shows me many things.

I am a kid.

I am a painter.

I am an athlete.

I am a dreamer.

I am me.