Identities Confied

By: Emily Martin

The cheerleader who always holds a book

And the agnostic with an avid church attendance

Someone so silent and simultaneously outspoken

And the fiery spirit which silence most benefits

Her identity, though contradictory, belongs to her

Her friends help her confidence shine

And though she has her friend groups and her favorite things

Her identity can’t be confined

A musician who hates band with a burning passion

A dancer who’s clumsier than most

Though her personality has spunk and sizzle

She’s never one to boast

Her identity, though contradictory, belongs to her

Her talent makes for smiles that are kind

And though she has her trials and limitations

Her identity can’t be confined

A divorced father with a court bill sky-high

Who now works as a man of God

With steady jobs at two different churches

The turnaround could seem quite odd

His identity, though contradictory, belongs to him

His love is so strong, you will find

And though he faces his daily challenges

His identity can’t be confined

A foster child whose mom wasn’t hers

The man she calls “dad” wasn’t there for her birth

She changes schools each coming year

But her past can’t define her worth

Her identity, though contradictory, belongs to her

Her past is left far behind

And though she has her moments of regression and hurt

Her identity can’t be confined

Our friends may influence how we act

And our race often stereotypes us

When religion is connected to morality

It’s too easy to judge or mistrust

Our identities, while contradictory, belong to us

Society is often so blind

And though strangers inevitably judge us in seconds

Our identities can’t be confined