
By: Chris Wernimont

Last week I found my friend’s fake ID’s

One form Towson, Maryland, where she is 23

One form an address in Scottsdale, Arizona

Each card different, each with a new persona

In one, she is 6’3” and has eyes of blue

In another, she’s 5’ 2” and has a face tattoo

The one from Washington says she is an organ donor

But she has no heart, and if she does it’s a misnomer

Despite all the lies, one thing was consistent

Each one has the same picture, but each person is different

She uses them to cheat her identity

But which cold, plastic card is she?

Is it the one where she lives at the address next to mine,

Sitting in the kitchen, just passing time?

I took a step back, seeing pictures but not a person

Who is this, which one, what version?

I looked at her, just as counterfeit and fabricated as her ID’s

A strange